A generational celebration for Mother's Day

Publish date: 12 May 2024

Jessie Challinor knows she is one of the luckiest mothers at Bethanie.  She has six children in Perth, 26 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren which means she rarely has a day without a visitor.

At home until nearly 97, Jessie was fiercely independent and active.  The family bought her a pushbike for her 85th birthday and she would ride to the shops and pedal home with heavy groceries without any trouble.

Daughter Heather described her Mum as an amazing seamstress and fabulous baker.

“You could smell her apple pie down the street, and she was known for her sticky sultana buns.

“We’ve tried and tried to replicate them, but Mum used to add a bit of this and bit more of that and we haven’t been able to master the recipe!”

Jessie kept all of her children, and the next generations as well, in beautifully crafted handmade clothing.  “A couple of the girls have taken the hobby on and do a beautiful job,” added Heather.

Happy Mother’s Day Jessie.

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