Olwyn Underwood, on putting down her pen

Publish date: 6 August 2024

Olwyn Underwood and her husband Bill had many years’ experience in managing small businesses before they retired to Bethanie Waters in Port Kennedy.  Olwyn became Treasurer of the Residents Committee straight away, and after eight years in the role she became President. 

Now in her third year, Olwyn is very proud of their Committee at Waters.  “We were the first incorporated body here, and other Villages have used our blueprint to replicate our system because it’s effective,” said Olwyn.

“Our constitution sets the guidelines for how our Village runs, which ensures we follow procedures and there’s a clear path for decisions, finances, sub committees etc”.

The role of President is a busy one, and preparing for monthly committee meetings and bi-monthly resident meetings is a regular part of her routine.

The role also required her to address the residents' concerns, often on short notice and outside regular hours and she has residents calling and knocking on her door every day, multiple times. 

“Sometimes people ask for technical help or they let me know their power is out, which is not in my jurisdiction, but they like to keep me in the loop; mostly it’s about minutes or meetings or issues bubbling away in the background.

“It’s important that this role brings diplomacy; where there are issues it’s essential to take the middle road and be able to offer perspective from either side,” added Olwyn.

This skill has provided Olwyn with some of the best experiences she has had as President, including working with Bethanie management and Village Manager Mary Mews.

“I meet Mary regularly, we discuss issues, and we see things from the other side, which is very useful.”

At the end of this year, her third in the seat Olwyn will finally retire – both her position on the Committee and by taking retirement a little more literally. 

“We need to focus on Bill's health and to relieve herself of the growing pressures of the role,” Olwyn said of her husband.  “And we’d like the freedom to travel to Perth and spend time with our children and grandchildren whenever we can.”


Olwyn’s commitment to the Village underscores the importance of stepping up and volunteering in the community.

“Every community – whether a small town, a school or a retirement village, relies on volunteers to keep the lights on, and it’s up to each person to take their turn and support one another,” offered Olwyn.

“Leadership and participation are both essential, as is the need for fresh perspectives and shared responsibilities.”

Thank you, Olwyn, for your eleven years of service to the Bethanie Waters Village.  Your passion and interest in your community has been wonderful.

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